Saturday, December 14, 2013

Winter Warriors 9 Update

We are now seven weeks in to the grand fund and fun raiser that is Winter Warriors. To this point we have only really had one week where the weather was cold enough to scare people away. Oddly enough, we still ended up with over 50 people playing in single digit temperatures.

So far I have made every event and had a great time at each one as best I can remember. Although the year started off slow and I found myself well out of the top ten, things have changed. Over the past three weeks I have been paired with people that are either really good or compliment my game really well. As such I tied for first and lost in a playoff at The Outback in Greeley, Finished with a -28 at Bird's Nest and for the first time in my Winter Warriors career won at Village Greens playing with Rob Nichols. Sure it helps that I got paired with Rob and I am sure that he did most of the work, but I held my own and made just enough contributions to get the win.

So, as far as my goals are concerned, I am doing amazingly well.

1. I have helped out every week so far with the sign as well as other miscellaneous stuff.

2. Even during rough rounds or with people that are less than considerate, I have found myself having a great time. I have especially enjoyed getting to know a few new people who are relatively new to the Colroado Disc Golf Scene.

3. I have yet to miss an event so far this year and do not see a set of circumstances that will keep me from missing any of the remaining events.

4. Before this week I was in 7th place needing only 20 more strokes to get to the mark that was 10th place last year, give or take. Well, shooting -30 with Rob, causing me to drop a -2 means I gained 28 strokes and should be well on my way to a top 10 finish over all. I should move solidly into the top 5 and maybe as high as 2nd after this week.

5. Thanks in large part to Rob Nichols, I have my first Winter Warriors win. Sure, he now has three on the year, but this one is big and important to me. I also want to thank McGilla Gorilla for getting close back at The Outback. Now the goal is one more (Ha, that makes is sound like I am addicated).

I have also learned a lot about my game so far this year and have found a couple of things that I need to work on.

1. I need to learn when to disc up and throw more softly on shorter holes. I was surprised today at the number of times Rob was throwing a driver and I had something less than driver in my hand. Sure, the cold conditions became a small part of the reason why this was the case, but even so, I see value in making sure I am throwing at no more than 70%.

2. Putting makes a big difference. My best scores have come when I am putting well and when I am making sure that I get the putting practice that I need. Sure, this isn't something new that I have learned, but it is amazing the number of times that this becomes one of the if not the single determining factors in who wins and who looses.

3. Practice, in whatever form, makes a big difference. I was even talking with Rob about this today. This past season he had an off year and when he thought back, he said he literally did little to no practice. He would just show up at tournaments and just play. Well, the weeks that I get a practice round or two in, I have been playing much better than the weeks that I do not play a casual or practice round. The weather has not always been that cooperative but I need to get out and play more.

That is all for now. Things are about to get exciting as scores are getting dropped and soon enough I will no longer be allowed to get paired with other players in the top 10.