Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Some Thoughts On Putting

The off season is a tough thing, especially when a cold snap hits where you live. Sure you can go out and play some rounds with your long underwear on but that really isn't helpful for improving your game because you are thinking about how cold it is and hoping that you will be able to feel the disc in your hand. So, like last winter I have decided to practice my putting inside. I do not have a great place in my house to do this but have one hall that at its longest is about 25 ft long. Good enough.

In an amazing bit of discovery and brilliance I think I have discovered some things that might be helpful to the world as far as it depends on putting.

1. Your exact for is not as important as most putting videos have led you to believe. As you watch how the pros putt they all look a little bit different. I am not talking about the difference between spin and loft putters, I am talking about everyone in general. Lets face it, no two bodies are exactly alike and as such we are all going to putt differently.

2. The most important thing in regards to putting is simply keeping everything on line. Watch where your arm goes when you throw a putt. You will notice that your arm ends in a particular place when you make a putt, right on line. When you miss your arm will not be in the same place. Even more importantly think about the line when your arm is down next to your body as well. Then keep it all on line the entire time through your motion. This is the one common aspect of all the best putters in the world. Look at as many videos as you can and see for yourself.

I hope these things encourage you in your quest to become a better putter. I have already seen my putting game improve, but more importantly, my confidence in putting has gotten stronger. I can putt a number of different ways, but when my arm stays on line it goes in (sometimes maybe high and sometimes low, but always on line) and when it isn't on that line, I miss.

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