Most of the tournament directors I know are way under appreciated. We all hear about all the work they put in and often underestimate it to the players at the tournament, but it really takes a lot to put on a disc golf tournament. I have become overly impressed and thankful for those people in my disc golf community who put on tournaments for the likes of me.
Sometimes one has to make a tough call that they players will not like. Then they get to hear all of the complaints and no matter what they end up doing, someone will say something that frustrates the tournament director. This is a situation that has happened recently here in Colorado. The 303 Open was supposed to happen this weekend, but with all the snow we had this past week, one of the two courses we were going to use became unsafe to play. It probably would have been better to be playing in a foot of snow than the mud.
I am overly impressed with the way Kyle at Phenix Disc Sports is handling the situation. He has worked hard and been in contact with the PDGA to postpone the 303 Open, but to get last minute sanctioning for a one round challenge on the course that is more safe to play given the conditions. All of this in the face of many complaints. In addition to this, Kyle has already worked hard to make this event and other local events the best they can be.
The point is simply this: If we treat our tournament directors with the respect that they deserve and trust the decisions they make in attempting to provide the best possible tournament for the players, we will end up with more tournament directors like Kyle who will work as hard as they can to make the best possible tournaments.
In fairness to all the other TD's who have run a tournament that I have played in thsi year, you are all amazing as well and deserve mention here. Evan, Marsha and the team at Dynamic Discs, you are all amazing.
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